Poor Rudolf, the enthusiastic little reindeer with the quirky glowing nose - no one wanted to play with him because he was different. There was a time when the Chiropractic profession was in the same sleigh.
Before the famous 1987 Wilk’s Antitrust case victory, the American Medical Association made strong efforts to keep Chiropractors from playing their ‘health care game,’ warning its members to never refer patients to Chiropractors or face being shunned by the entire medical community. They failed to realize Chiropractic was an entirely unique health care approach (unlike medicine in any shape or form) and we wouldn’t be bullied out of serving the masses with our ‘different’ Principle.
Today the playing field is different. More and more people rely on the inherent, recuperative properties of their own bodies and use Chiropractic to preserve and protect their health without drugs or surgery. With our Principle so bright, we’ll continue guiding our patients to better heath and more Life.
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