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Chiropractic: Knowing vs Believing

Daniel Carroll

Updated: Jan 31

I was reading an article about health and thought it relevant to the ongoing reason that I'm investing in this blog.  Knowing how to care VERY IMPORTANT!  I trust you feel the same way about it. It always thrills my soul when a patient finally gets "the big picture." Recently, I had such an experience with a local executive that has been receiving chiropractic care for about a year. She had been referred by her husband, two brothers and a father.  All were receiving great results in the office.  She came to us primarily for neck and shoulder issues,  but what she discovered was that her usual cold/sinus problems that plagued her throughout the winter months for most of her adult life had almost completely resolved. Even so, until last week she was still a bit skeptical of the connection to her chiropractic care. She developed the first sinus congestion in a long time, and after looking at her calendar, realized that her 3 week interval had just passed, as I had recommended a 4 trial week interval for the first time. The next week, when we checked her objective indicators, I found indeed that she was overdue. For her, this was the moment of truth and helped her to see that chiropractic is indeed about living life with better health--not primarily intervening to solve health problems. Do you believe in chiropractic? Your answer may be yes or no, but it does not change those that KNOW.  No, chiropractic can not help 100% of health problems for 100% of people.  But it is vastly underutilized when it comes to true health prevention.  Those that have utilized chiropractic care KNOW what chiropractic health care has done for them and what it will do to preserve their future health. So, I will ask you this....tell me what you KNOW about chiropractic--not what you believe.  I welcome your comments, and appreciate taking your time to read my blog.  I trust it is providing with some good benefits.  Again, please post comments.


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