

Do Chiropractic Adjustments Hurt?

Do Chiropractic Adjustments Hurt?

Chiropractic adjustments, also known as spinal manipulations, are a procedure in which a joint is moved past its usual range of motion in daily life. The purpose of a chiropractic adjustment is to improve the way your body functions and to alleviate pain or other...

Flexible Like a Fiddlehead

Flexible Like a Fiddlehead

Young fern shoots are flexible and supple as compared to the old, fallen leaves and brittle tree branches that surround them in early spring.  The former is full of Life and potential, the later - devoid of it.  The same can be said for your spine and your health....

Headaches — A Common Ailment for Young and Old Alike

Headaches — A Common Ailment for Young and Old Alike

Headaches are one of the most common ailments in the world today. According to some estimates, as much as 46% of adults suffer from headaches. However, you may be surprised to learn that headache problems are on the rise for the younger generation. In fact, The...

Stuck in a Subluxation

Stuck in a Subluxation

Getting stuck in a rut is an inconvenient thing.  Without adequate traction, you end up spinning your wheels in a muddy trench, going nowhere fast until someone tows you into the clear. When your Nerve System gets stuck in a rut, Chiropractors refer to it as being...

Quantity Counts!

Quantity Counts!

A glass of water can put out a flame, but it won't put out a raging forest fire - right idea, but it’s lacking in appropriate quantity. The same can be said for results and Chiropractic care. The purpose of multiple adjustments is to keep your nerve system ‘clear’...

Knock On Your Spine

Knock On Your Spine

Some people think wellness is a matter of luck - as if you hit the genetic lottery with a great immune system, perfect organic function and loads of energy. Actually, you don't have to knock on wood to be healthy... you have more control over its natural 'expression'...

Chiropractic:  Knowing vs Believing

Chiropractic: Knowing vs Believing

I was reading an article about health and thought it relevant to the ongoing reason that I'm investing in this blog.  Knowing how to care VERY IMPORTANT!  I trust you feel the same way about it. It always thrills my soul when a patient finally gets "the big picture."...

Innate and The Three Bears

Innate and The Three Bears

Remember the lead character in Goldilocks and the Three Bears?  She didn't settle for too hot, or too cold – too hard, or too soft.  She kept trying until she found what was JUST RIGHT.  When it comes to fighting disease, your body innately strives for the same thing....

Having Confidence in the Garden

Having Confidence in the Garden

Spring is in the air, and many are planning for the upcoming gardening and lawn care season. This morning, I came across an article on the ACA website entitled "Pull Your Weeds. Not Your Back, When Gardening." You can find the article here: I assume most gardeners...

Can You Really “Learn To Live With It”?

Can You Really “Learn To Live With It”?

In consultation with new patients, I will quite often hear the phrase, "Oh doc, I've learned to live with...." And my response is almost always the same, "I'm sorry to hear that!" Such was the case several weeks ago in the office. A sprightly young 81 year old lady in...

Why Stretching Is So Important

Why Stretching Is So Important

Stretching is a part of our workout regimen many of us tend to skip. We might say it is because of lack of time, impatience or a feeling that stretching is pointless. However it is important that our joints are able to move in various directions with a certain degree...


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