Your Keystone of Health

Your Keystone of Health

The strength and stability of an arch is unparalleled in architecture. Each block supports massive loads from above while evenly dissipating stress to the foundation below – the most important block being the keystone. Without it, the entire structure would...
Light Up Your Life

Light Up Your Life

A chain reaction occurs when a small event ignites a reaction nearby, setting off another reaction, then another, until it produces an ultimate result. Getting your health back with Chiropractic care happens in a similar way. Chiropractors start the process with a...
What is the Atlas Orthogonal (AO) Technique?

What is the Atlas Orthogonal (AO) Technique?

The Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic technique, often abbreviated AO, is a specialty within the field of chiropractic that focuses on the upper cervical region. Even more specifically, practitioners of the Atlas Orthogonal technique concentrate on the Atlas vertebrae –...
Take Flexibility Training Seriously

Take Flexibility Training Seriously

When it comes to the Big Three of exercise – cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training – it’s pretty clear which one can get overlooked. After all, while we prize cardiovascular and strength training for their role in helping us lose weight,...
Take Control of Chronic Childhood Ear Infections

Take Control of Chronic Childhood Ear Infections

It’s 2 am and the crying has only gotten progressively worse across the past hour. You are pacing the downstairs hallway trying anything to soothe your inconsolable 10-month old so that your 5 and 8 year old kids can get some sleep upstairs. Your plan is to call the...
Some Surprising Statistics About Back Pain

Some Surprising Statistics About Back Pain

Back pain relief is just one component of chiropractic care, but it is often a patient’s first introduction. Back pain is horribly debilitating affecting all aspects of work and personal life. If you are suffering from back pain, you are not alone. Here are a few...