Natural Options for Migraines Being Explored

Natural Options for Migraines Being Explored

Migraines seem to be becoming more and more rampant in today’s fast-paced world and are the 3rd most prevalent and 6th most disabling condition in the world. They are a neurological condition that is known for the following symptoms: Severe pounding and throbbing head...
Houston, We Have a Subluxation

Houston, We Have a Subluxation

The brain stem is the most important, central command center of your body (like Houston control).  Located at the base of your brain and extending into your upper cervical spine, it serves as the crossing point for trillions of nerve fibers that carry the data of life...
How Chiropractic Can Help Treat Pelvic Crossed Syndrome

How Chiropractic Can Help Treat Pelvic Crossed Syndrome

One of the most frequent causes of lower back pain is, interestingly enough, due to common bad posture habits. When individuals sit for long periods of time, often hunched over (for example, to view a computer screen), they unconsciously tighten their hip muscles and...